Sun Moon Farm’s CSA shares are available at two locations:
Local Shares
Local Shares can be picked up at our barn in Rindge, NH on Wednesday afternoons. Shares are usually ready by 3 pm and are available until 7pm.
City Shares
City shares can be picked up at Cornerstone Village Cohousing in Cambridge, MA — a family friendly location, easily accessible by bicycle, that is a good fit for our CSA community. City shares are delivered on Tuesday afternoons. Craig aims to arrive at Cornerstone around 3 pm and usually stays with the shares at Cornerstone until about 7pm. We are proudly a farmer delivered CSA.
Sun Moon is a Pay as Led CSA
Sun Moon Farm strives to be as transparent as possible about the real cost of the food that we grow, to deliver value to our members, and to promote a mixed income CSA community. We recognize that resources are not equitably or justly distributed so rather than set a single cost for membership, we invite our members to participate in a Pay as Led model for funding the work that we do here.
The CSA commitment is already a relationship of trust and faith. Through the Pay as Led model, we take a further leap together, trusting that you will give what you’re led and able in a spirit of generosity and abundance. We know that if each of us does this, we will see glorious things. The farm’s budget balances this year when the average share is $800. We expect that most members will pledge between $600 and $1500, knowing that a more generous contribution could have the direct effect of helping to relieve stress felt by others in the community. Sun Moon Farm is committed to making good food available to as many families as possible — there is no minimum cost and all families should feel welcome to participate.
We understand that this model might be unfamiliar and could still feel unclear or confusing and you are always welcome to contact us directly. You might also enjoy reading a short article or two about how the pay-as-led model has been working for New England Quakers*. As you discern how to contribute you might also consider these three queries:
Do you make choices as a consumer, and as a community member, that support the fair and equitable distribution of resources? Do you contribute generously within your means to the funding of good works?
How much does, did or will your family benefit from this expense? What other benefits does your family receive from this community? Does your current pledge reflect these benefits?
The median annual income for a family in Cheshire county is about $65,000. How does your family’s income compare to that amount? Is now a time of relative financial comfort or difficulty for you and your family? How do you imagine your feeling compares to the stress or ease of other community members? In addition to helping secure funds for the current expense, a more generous contribution could have the direct effect of helping to relieve stress felt by others in the community.